Choosing the perfect stroller can be a daunting task for new parents. From the classic single strollers perfect for leisurely strolls in the park to the nimble lightweight strollers ideal for running errands, there's a wide range of options to suit your needs. You'll also find convenient car seat strollers and travel systems for seamless transitions from car to stroller and back again, as well as double strollers designed to effortlessly transport two little ones.
Child age
Some families prefer to invest in a more complete stroller to use until the child reaches about three years old on average. Others opt for a stroller to be used in the first months of the newborn's life and then a lighter, more portable one for when the child is older and can sit up.
There is another important thing to know: For newborns up to 6 months old, it's essential to have a stroller seat that reclines to a near-flat position or one that can accommodate an infant car seat—or even better, one that offers both functionalities. Some strollers even transform into bassinets, providing a cozy and secure space for your little one.

The family's lifestyle and your needs should be considered before purchasing the stroller. If you rely on public transportation such as subways, buses, and taxis, you'll want a lightweight and compact stroller that is both sturdy and easy to fold quickly. For taxi rides and ride shares, a car-seat carrier frame can be a convenient option until your child is around 1 year old. Consider a Lightweight and compact stroller for navigating public transportation. Our stroller ratings include information on the weight of each stroller to help you make your decision.
If you're planning on taking leisurely strolls with your child and frequenting neighborhood playgrounds, a traditional stroller with practical features such as a canopy, ample storage, a snack tray, and cup holders is an excellent choice.
For frequent car travel, a travel system or a stroller compatible with a car seat is ideal, especially for longer walks. Just ensure that the stroller fits easily into the trunk or back seat of your car.
Some parents opt for a heavier stroller with more features for walks close to home, alongside a lightweight stroller for errands, travel, or local outings like visiting a museum or zoo.
Regardless of the brand or model, there is a checklist to consider:
- Make sure the frame feels solid, not flimsy.
- Check if the handles are comfortable and easily reachable.
- Ensure the brakes and swivel lock mechanisms are user-friendly and responsive.
- Make sure it has reclining positions to accommodate both larger babies and newborns, and if the seat is reversible.
- Check if the harness is a five-point and easy to fasten and unfasten.
- Make sure if the stroller can be easily and smoothly open and close the stroller, and if it can be done with one hand.
- Ensure the stroller can be lift and carry easily (unfolded and folded).
- Take note of storage space, including baskets, zippered pockets, and consoles to meet your needs.
- Consider if the fabric is breathable, ideal for hot regions;
- Check if it features a sunshade canopy;
- Consider if the stroller can fit your car's trunk.
- Review the stroller's warranty and return policy.
- Look for safety certifications.
Types of single strollers

Single Stroller
Traditional full-size strollers or single strollers generally have a more solid structure and offer more space and comfort for the baby. Most come with a spacious basket for storing items and can convert into a Travel System.

Double Stroller
The double stroller is a great option for twins or for those planning or having children close in age. Most models allow for numerous configurations, accommodating two infant car seats, two seats, or even two bassinets. There are also side-by-side seating options. In this case, it's worth checking the stroller's measurements to ensure it fits through standard-sized doors.

Travel System
A Travel System stroller allows you to attach an infant car seat for use from birth. It's practical because you don't need to wake the baby to transition from the car to the stroller or vice versa. Find out if the stroller and infant car seat models you've chosen are compatible and if an adapter is necessary.

Stroller with Bassinet
Strollers with bassinets are typically large, comfortable, and luxurious. Having a bassinet option is perfect for newborns and small babies, as it serves as a crib and can be used for the first six months or until the baby can sit up. Afterwards, the baby uses the stroller seat.

Jogging Stroller
Jogging strollers typically feature three large air-filled tires, with a front wheel that can swivel for everyday use or be locked into a straight-ahead position when jogging with your child. The air-filled tires provide a smooth ride, but you'll need to regularly check and refill them as required. It's important to note that these strollers are not suitable for infants under 6 months.

Car Seat Stroller
Car seat strollers combine a car seat with a stroller frame, allowing for easy pushing during walks and seamless transitions to and from the car. When used as a car seat, the stroller frame folds underneath, enabling installation in a separate vehicle base. While these strollers save space by combining two essential items, they may be slightly heavy or bulky to lift, and their handles may not offer the same level of comfort during pushing.

Umbrella Style
Lightweight umbrella-style strollers are a great option for daily use, but their convenience comes with drawbacks. They cannot be used with newborns and tend to lack important features such as reclining options, compatibility with infant car seats, and sturdy wheels. If you're looking for a compact stroller, you might consider a "travel" model that offers more comfort. Also, an umbrella stroller’s storage options are likely to be more limited.

Compact Stroller
The compact stroller (or travel stroller) is the perfect option for families looking for a second stroller for outings or travel. Many models are accepted as carry-on luggage by airlines.